MFC is a Catholic covenanted community of lay faithful, defending faith, family and life.
The Missionary Families of Christ (MFC), formerly known as Couples for Christ – Foundation for Family and Life (CFC-FFL) is a Philippine-based Catholic charismatic lay community that emphasizes on the renewal of an individual, family, Church, society and evangelization. MFC is a missionary body, and the families and individuals that make up this association strive to be instruments of the Holy Spirit in renewing the face of the earth.
On October 6, 2019, CFC-FFL officially changed its name to Missionary Families of Christ, as the new name now describes and encompasses the mission and vision of the community.
According to MFC statutes, MFC members are organized into cell groups called a Household. A group of Households forms a larger group, these larger groups form an even larger group, forming a pyramidal structure.
Within MFC there are various Sections that represent the different members of the family. Each Section is equally important as the other. Sections such as MFC Couples, MFC Kids, MFC Youth, MFC Singles (for unmarried adults between the age of 21 – 40), MFC Handmaids (for women above 40), and MFC Servants (for men above 40).
In 2012, as a response to the call to New Evangelization, MFC spearheaded the Live Christ, Share Christ Mission (LCSC) whose goal in to mainstream Catholic lay evangelization. The pillars of LCSC are the Live full, Live Life, Live Pure, Live the Word and Live the Faith.

We are an evangelistic and missionary community committed to become families empowered by the Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth.

We strive to be God’s holy warriors, aswe commit to renew the temporal order through our work in defending faith, family and life. We are a servant to the Church, working to renew her children through every generation and throughout the world, until the Lord returns once again.
5 Pillars
Our response to the
New Evangelisation
Restoring faith, hope and dignity.
Less for self, more for others. Enough for all.
Advocating the beauty of faith, family and life.
Real freedom. True love. Total happiness.
Deepening our faith through Liturgical Bible Study
Know, love and defend the faith.
Strengthening families and parishes through active service
- Catechism teachers
- Programs for youth and engaged couples
- Leading / assisting sessions on pro-life, NFP, family values, etc
- Marriage Preparation Course at the diocesan and parish level
- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
- Liturgical animation (choir, lectors, etc)
- Parish Council
- Assisting in parish projects
- Part of pious associations

- Centered on Christ
- Evangelistic and missionary
- Focused on the family
- Being community
- Living a preferential option for the poor
- Exercising servant leadership
- Being a servant to the Church
Explore other sections within MFC
MFC is a “womb-to-tomb” renewal ministry where persons are evangelized from a very young age and are sustained through the different stages of life.
How can I join?
To be a part of MFC, one needs to go through an initiation program called “Christian Life Seminar”(CLS). This program is usually conducted over a weekend or over 6 weeks, one day a week. It consists of 6 sessions and some activities. A CLS is conducted periodically wherever MFC is established. In order to experience the real fruit of it, it is essential that the individual or in the case of a couple, both husband and wife participate in the whole program together.
MFC membership is open to any baptized Catholic and draws its membership from all sectors of society — young and old, rich and poor, going beyond all cultural, economic, educational, social, caste and other distinctions.
MFC operates in the language of its members. We have programs and follow up meetings that are conducted in many different languages across the country.
Why should I join?
We believe that everybody is called to a life in community. Attending the CLS and subsequent programs is just the beginning of a journey with brothers and sisters in the pursuit of Christ. MFC provides programs which include teachings, recollections, retreats, and a lot more, to support this.
MFC members meet every week to spend time in fellowship, prayer and for a time of sharing which provides a foundation for a support system of pastoral care and brotherhood where members support each other in the pursuit of Christ, thus living full lives as individuals, as couples and as families.